How To Test Dog Blood Sugar At Home

How To Test Dog Blood Sugar At Home in 6 Steps

Diabetes in dogs can be pretty challenging. Blood glucose levels might fluctuate due to food consumption, stress levels, exercise, and other daily occurrences. Additionally, it would help if you kept an eye out for any other diseases or disorders that may be affecting your dog’s health. In this article we will guide you about how to test dog blood sugar At Home. However, if you choose to use a blood glucose monitoring system to provide more precise and frequent data for disease monitoring, visit your veterinarian first.

How to test a dog for diabetes at home with blood glucose monitoring

Home blood glucose monitoring is an effective tool for assisting you and your physician in regulating your pet’s diabetes. We can use it to determine the effectiveness of the current insulin type and dose in treating diabetes. This determination is most accurate when the pet’s nutrition, exercise, and stress levels are normal.

One common issue with performing BG(Blood glucose) testing in the veterinarian’s office is that many pets, particularly cats, become extremely frightened, refuse to eat, and are restrained for a blood test. These are not normal conditions, and the blood glucose levels collected at the veterinarian’s office may not correctly reflect how the blood glucose levels behave on a typical day.

If your pet’s diabetes is well-controlled, home blood glucose monitoring can be used to check the blood glucose on an as-needed basis or fine-tune the control. A blood glucose test can be performed at any time, swiftly and conveniently. If your pet’s diabetes is difficult to control, home blood glucose monitoring can provide the information necessary for your veterinarian to make proper insulin therapy modifications.

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Blood Sample Collection and Testing

To measure the blood glucose levels, a glucometer and glucose test strips are required. Consult your glucometer’s instructions or your veterinarian. Blood can be extracted readily from your dog’s earflap (pinna). Depending on your preference and your dog’s comfort level, alternate areas such as the tail, lip, callous, and footpads may be considered. There are some steps involved in how to test dog blood sugar at home.


Ascertain that the ear of your dog is warm. If not, gently squeeze it between your palms for approximately one minute. This simplifies the process of collecting a drop of blood.


Prick a hairless, clean area of the ear quickly with a sterile lancet or hypodermic needle.


There will be a small drop of blood visible. Collect the blood and slide onto the glucose test strip according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Gently but firmly press clean cotton or gauze into the ear of your pet until the bleeding stops.


As directed, place the sample in the glucometer. Contrast the reading to a dog’s usual level.


Please keep track of the day and time the reading was taken, as well as the reading itself, to share with your veterinarian.

Monitoring the results

  • Keeping track of your dog’s results is critical for optimal diabetes management. Keep track of your pet’s blood glucose levels with the Pet Diabetes Tracker app or the online Blood Glucose Curve Tool.
  • Tools & Resources for Tracking.
  • Diabetes Tracker for Pets.
  • Review and maintain critical diabetes management information.
  • Tool for Calculating Blood Glucose Curves.
  • Record blood glucose values easily to create a blood glucose curve.
  • Beneficial downloads.
  • Additional information to help you better understand and manage your dog’s diabetes.
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Other Methods

Ear pricks rarely work on dogs because they lack the conspicuous marginal vein found in cats. The majority of dog owners who conduct home BG testing do so by pricking the inside of the upper lip. Allow your dog to lie on its side, gently lift, and roll the upper lip outward to work on the inside surface.

Frequently, the area near the canine teeth is an excellent location. Wipe the area thoroughly with a clean cloth to eliminate any remaining saliva. Pricking around the lip’s edge frequently works effectively. You’ll need to determine the optimal location for your dog. Dog owners who utilize the lip prick technique claim that it is simple to perform and causes no discomfort. Some people even perform this activity while the dog is sleeping. Take cautious that your dog allows you to do this and that you are not bitten.

Additionally, owners prick the paw pad, calloused area on the thigh, chin area, and a pinch of skin on the rump. Others have had their veterinarian demonstrate how to extract a tiny bit of blood from a vein in their dog’s leg. An unused insulin syringe is ideal for this because it features an excellent needle.

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Precautions in General

Maintain a spotless environment. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Prepare a clean work area or layout a clean cloth on which to lay items. Avoid touching the lancet’s tip.

Before pricking, the prick site must be clean and dry. If the prick site is filthy, thoroughly clean it with warm water. Before performing the prick, wait till the region is arid. Moisture will cause the blood drop to spread out, making the BG test more challenging to complete. Moisture will also dilute the blood sample, resulting in an incorrect blood glucose level.

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It’s pretty challenging to obtain a drop of blood from a cold ear. Warm the ear by stroking your dog’s head and ears or by wrapping it in a warm washcloth inside a plastic bag or a microwave-safe rice bag. Whatever you use, take care that it does not cause a fire to your pet.

When pricking a paw pad, it helps if the paw is warm.

Restrain your pet gently

This process necessitates that the pet remains calm and still for several minutes. The pet should be reasonably uninhibited. If you induce excessive stress to your pet while restraining it, you may not obtain an accurate blood pressure reading. This is especially true for cats, as their blood pressure can swiftly rise due to stress.

Of course, some struggling may occur, but if the pet becomes too anxious, you should would wait 15-30 minutes and attempt again—request instruction from your veterinarian on how to properly restrain your pet. NEVER USE OVERWHELMING FORCE.

How to control bleeding

After inserting the blood sample into the meter, please leave it to function while attending to the pet’s ear (or wherever you did the prick). For approximately 30 seconds, secure a gauze squeeze firmly (but not too tightly) to the prick site. This should be more than sufficient to bring the bleeding to a halt. Continue applying mild pressure for another minute if the location continues to bleed. Do not “peek” to determine whether the bleeding has ceased. Secure the area and maintain your pet’s calm. If the bleeding does not stop or if a considerable bruise develops, seek guidance from your veterinarian.


Following the prick, a tiny red spot may develop. This results from a bit amount of blood leaking from a blood artery and becoming trapped underneath the skin. A minor bruise (the size of a grain of rice) is acceptable and will resolve within a day or two. Keep an eye out for any significant bruising, swelling, fluid collection, region warmth, or infection. If you suspect any of the above, contact your veterinarian for help.

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