How to leash train a dog that won't walk

How to leash train a dog that won’t walk – 1 Best guide

Leash training a dog is an essential skill every dog owner should know. However, some dogs can resist walking on a leash, making it challenging to take them on walks. If you are struggling to leash train a dog that won’t walk, don’t worry. You can help your dog learn to walk on a leash with patience, consistency, and the right training techniques. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and strategies to help you leash-train a dog that won’t walk.

How to leash train a dog that won’t walk

If your dog refuses to walk, it could be because of a medical problem, leash failure, excessive exercise, or anxiety, which may entail desensitization and counterconditioning. But let me tell you the best time to leash train a dog is when it’s small, 8 weeks to be exact.

For most dogs, a walk is the highlight of their day. They cannot wait to leave their backyard and explore the world. This is why it can be so perplexing to encounter a dog who refuses to do anything other than lie flat on the ground when it’s time for a walk.

It is tempting to jerk or pull on the dog’s leash to get him to move, but doing so does more harm than good.

Not only does it encourage your dog to resist and dig in more tenaciously, but it can also cause permanent damage to the neck’s muscles and nerves, not to mention the thyroid gland and trachea.

Positive reinforcement training is the most effective method for leash training a dog that won’t walk, but we must first determine why the dog behaves this way before we can begin training.

There are three main reasons a dog may refuse to walk which will be discussed below.

Reasons to why your dog does not want to walk ?

If your dog refuses to walk, it could be because of a medical problem, leash failure, excessive exercise, or anxiety, which may entail desensitization and counterconditioning. They are discussed as under :

Medical Issue

Before you start to think about some dog training or behavioral problems, have a vet review it. Bear in mind that when it comes to hiding pain, dogs are masters. When it came out of nowhere, pain or trauma can be seen even more seriously.

A careful inspection of your dog’s body is the best way of ensuring that they trap no cuts or strange items in your hands. If your dog doesn’t go along with an un-compliant gait, or if he’s limping, that’s another gift.

An older dog can suffer orthopedic pain from diseases such as arthritis and does not want to walk because of his inconvenience. Do not force your dog to exercise unless you have explicitly excluded medical issues. There is nothing worse than traveling around your dog only to find out that he’s been in pain all the time.

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Leash Failure

You would have to step back to train your dog, if he refused as a puppy to walk on a leash but happily walked away (which might not be possible due to lousy reminders, busy streets, etc.); we must continually teach leash manners. No dog is born with the experience of leashing. Leash training begins by introducing the Leash and collar properly. If this aspect is overlooked, negative walking associations will follow, which may cause your dog to refuse to exercise. A fitted collar may cause an inconvenience, and heavy leashes can become burdens for a toy breed or a young puppy (reserve stronger leashes for your grown medium to large).

Make sure you read the sizing guidelines and fitting guides carefully when selecting a collar or harness. Start with a short and light leash to improve control and training performance.

Follow the leash training stages to make sure your dog understands a leash perfectly.

Often the trick is done through quick leash training and the proper introduction. Dogs rely on simple rules and routines that are easy to observe.

If he knows what he is doing, he gets confident quickly and is enthusiastic about walking.

To increase your motivation, make sure you do not fight other behavioral issues, such as separation anxiety, barking, biting, jumping, etc. These are all signs of a dog that has no specific rules and doesn’t feel comfortable in his life.


Dogs are much more receptive to all the various environmental stimuli, including noises, smells, persons, locations, and movements. A dog that has not been trained in socialization as a puppy is much more afraid of its surroundings.

Fear may play an essential role in the refusal of your dog to walk. Your dog can also look strange and solemn to breathe, which is another sign of stress. In other cases, the anxiety would be apparent, for instance, when new visitors arrive or when noisy noises are startling him from outside.

Slowly his fear would be eased by desensitization and counterconditioning. Take a few treatments during each walk, and be ready to make good connections with your dog’s environment. Restrict your walks to calm paths at first so that your dog does not overwhelm you. If your dog is afraid of something, try to get him away with a treat and relief from the trigger.

Increasing the gap always helps, and any small move in the right direction has to be rewarded when you can approach again. Redirecting the dog with simple commands or a toy may also be helpful in some instances. Make sure you never reward fearful behavior but only reward peaceful circumstances or whether your dog is courageous. While it may seem reassuring, they may strengthen the anxiety.

Each place you visit and every person or dog you encounter can make your dog a fun experience. Enhance his confidence by adding some time into the day. He would undoubtedly become even more eager to overcome any fear with you at his side.

Right approach to train a dog

A dog fearful of going outside or walking on a leash must be allowed to become accustomed to whatever is frightening him in a safe environment.

●     Become familiar with your dog’s collar and leash.

If your dog avoids the collar and leash, his reluctance to walk is likely due to a fear of the equipment. Getting him used to the collar and leash at home will therefore aid in solving the issue.

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You are then prepared to encourage your dog to approach you while wearing the collar and leash.

●     Encourage Your Dog to Proceed to the Next Step

This exercise teaches your dog that every time he moves forwards, he will receive a treat and encourages him to focus on you rather than the surrounding environment.

Once you’ve mastered this exercise indoors, you can take it outside and encourage your dog to follow you around the garden and interact with various objects.

Reward your dog with treats each time he moves forwards, and gradually increase the distance you travel away from the house.

Attach his leash to his collar, then repeat the exercise. Do not pull on the leash to get his attention; continue encouraging and rewarding him as you have been.

Once your dog is comfortable walking alongside you, you can increase the distance and duration of your outings. After a short stroll to the gate, proceed to the nearest street corner or lamppost.

●     Assist Your Dog in Overcoming Anxiety

If a dog is accustomed to its collar and leash but refuses to walk, it is likely fearful or anxious.

You may find that your dog walks happily until a garbage truck passes, at which point she lies down and refuses to move.

This behavior suggests her unwillingness to walk is due to a fear of loud noises. To circumvent this issue, you can alter her routine to only walk her after the delivery truck has completed its rounds.

Similarly, if your dog refuses to pass a specific object, you can try scattering treats along the path alongside and beyond the object.

Reward your dog for sitting before pointing him in the correct direction. This will cause him to concentrate on you – and the treats – and forget about the terrifying monster disguised as a rock.

Leash training is necessary for both owners and their dogs. In addition to being part of proper dog etiquette, a leash-trained dog will be safer and more comfortable during walks. However, not all dogs adapt easily to leashes, and when a dog refuses to walk or pulls on the leash, there are some methods for correcting this behavior.

Select the Appropriate Leash and Collar

Before beginning leash training, having the proper collar and leash is essential. The collar should fit snugly but not tightly around the neck of the dog without pinching or rubbing. Harnesses are not recommended for leash training because a dog’s pulling strength is located in its chest, and it will be more difficult to correct undesirable behavior with a harness.

The leash should be sufficiently long to allow some slack but not so long that the dog has complete freedom of movement over a large area. After training, longer leashes can be introduced, but until the dog has learned proper leash manners, 4-6 feet is the optimal length.

The collar and leash should be in good condition, with no fraying or damage that could cause them to break under pressure. The clip connecting the collar and leash should be strong and secure, and the collar and leash should be wiped clean as often as necessary to prevent the accumulation of dirt that could irritate the dog.

Managing Walking Issues

There are numerous reasons why dogs may pull or resist walking on a leash. If the dog has never been trained to walk on a leash, the sight, smell, and feel of the leash and collar may frighten or agitate it, leading to resistance or balking. A dog that has been confined may be overly excited to go outside on the leash, resulting in increased pulling or disregard for commands. Similarly, if dogs are interested in nearby objects, they may be more likely to pull, and if something in their line of sight frightens them, they may refuse to walk.

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Once you comprehend why a dog may have difficulty walking on a leash, several techniques can be used to encourage appropriate behavior.

Acquaint with the Dog

Allow the dog to see and smell the collar or leash if unfamiliar. Rub the leash through your fingers to transfer some of your scents along its length to help your dog adjust, and allow them to wear the collar without the leash for a considerable amount of time before your first walk together.

Adjust Collar Placement

The most sensitive area of a dog’s neck is its upper portion. This will allow for more gentle corrections since the dog will quickly feel the effects. Corrections are only effective when the collar is tight enough and high enough.

Reduce the Leash

A shorter leash permits firmer control without allowing the dog to stray so far as to be enticed by more distractions. The touch of the leash and collar is an integral part of dog-owner communication, and a shorter leash enables the owner to maintain greater control over the dog.

Examine the Feet

Check the dog’s legs and paws for thorns, bruises, cuts, or any swelling or tenderness that could indicate an injury if a normally well-behaved walker begins to exhibit behavioral issues. Before resuming leash training, consult a veterinarian for assistance with serious problems or let the dog heal.

Use Verbal Commands

Because dogs have excellent hearing, verbal commands are crucial to leash training. Use an enthusiastic tone when saying “Let’s go!” to encourage forward movement, and harsher, more authoritative tones when saying “No!” to discourage inappropriate behavior.

Hold Still

If a dog pulls, remain still and prevent them from approaching whatever has captured their attention. Reward the dog with a friendly word or a small treat whenever they pause to look at you. If they resume pulling, you should remain still until they stop again and then move in the appropriate direction to lead them correctly.

Quicken the Pace

If a dog is easily distracted during a walk, a faster pace can reduce undesirable behavior by reducing the time they have to notice new things, which could lead to pulling. Dogs will also enjoy the excitement of their owners’ pace, and a brisk walk is more beneficial to their health than a stroll.

More frequently stroll

Repetition and refreshment enhance the efficacy of any training. More frequent walks will remind a dog of proper leash manners and give the dog more exercise and strengthen the bond between owner and pet.

Try Desserts

Small treats can be used as a reward for a dog’s good walking behavior, but it is important to use them only as a tool and verbally and physically praise the dog for his accomplishments. Eventually, the dog should have mastered effortless, treat-free walking.

Combining multiple techniques to reinforce your dog’s behavior is the most effective approach to training. Always be patient with your pet, and you’ll eventually enjoy hassle-free walks together.


Understanding your dog’s behavior is essential for modifying it into a more desirable form. Before attempting to leash-train a dog that doesn’t want to walk, addressing any underlying health concerns is essential, as a dog in pain will bark at anything that exacerbates that pain.

If you are certain your dog is in good health, use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage him to accept the collar and leash and overcome any fears preventing him from enjoying his walk.

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