Shock Collar Side Effects

Shock Collar Side Effects And 5 reasons to stop using it

Shock collars are known to be an aggressive way of training your dog. Shock collar side effects are common if not used with caution and knowledge. This picture portrays an accident due to an overly tight collared dog collar. If you think that the use of electronic collars is cruel, there’s no good reason for you to want to wear one. The thing you’re doing to train your dog is insufficient, or you’re having a hard time training him. The following could be some reasons.

  • Trainer error or application of techniques.
  • Do not expect to have to be capable of dealing with the intricacies of your dog’s well-being.
  • Avoid putting the dog in a house where he is not allowed to bark.
  • You should get a second opinion.

Find a home for your dog who knows how to re-home your dog or has re-homed a dog that knows how to re-home your pet.

Are Shock collars harmful to dogs ?

Actually, YES. These collars are known as an aversive conditioning technique and were commonly used on hunting dogs in the 1960s. Although some view training collars as a deterrent, they have been shown to increase food aggression and repetitive barking.

Electronic collars are a form of punishment, and they are not a mild form of punishment. Approved training collars are not infallible, and promises that they would not hurt the dog are unreliable. Numerous reports of dogs suffering electrical burns through their fur have been reported. Even scarier, you will be unaware of these electrical burns before the injury manifests – the fur does an outstanding job of concealing them!

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How Do Shock Collar Function ?

The majority of collars emit a preemptive “beep” prior to shooting. This is sometimes used in combination with verbal orders, otherwise the dog can hear the beep as it approaches the underground electric fence wire. Many of these collars :

  • Have an adjustable level of pressure.
  • Act regardless of whether the owner is present or not.
  • Ranging from thirty dollars to more than three hundred.
  • Between 30 and 400 yards of work.

Although electronic collars are commonly set to be “mildly painful” levels and frequently claim to deliver “static shock,” they actually deliver alternating current when they make contact with the skin. The amount of moisture in the air and the density of the dog’s coat have an effect on how intensely the dog experiences the shock.

This means that experiments and product analyses cannot accurately represent the sensations experienced by an individual dog. Dogs have a range of skin and hair styles, as well as various pain tolerances, and they live in a variety of climates.

Five explanations why you should stop using a shock collar

You adore your pup

Your relationship with your dog is priceless. By using aversive training methods focused on fear and pain, you can cause your dog to avoid you or even become violent towards you. By employing humane training strategies focused on incentives rather than punishment, unwanted habits can be handled without jeopardizing the unique connection you share with your pet.

Shock collars are ineffective in contrast to humane training

Although tools such as shock collars can affect your dog’s actions. Research suggests that constructive, reward-based training is just as successful as any other training.

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Shock collars can be harmful to your dog

Electrostatic shocks can cause psychological distress in your pet, including phobias and elevated levels of stress. As well as excessive heart rate increases and painful skin burns. Additionally, shock collar use will acclimate your pet to pain, resulting in an increase in aggression and fear-based behaviors. And of course shock collar side effects can make your dog’s life hell.

Experts strongly warn against the use of shock collars

Veterinary groups and humane organizations have long acknowledged the adverse consequences of punishment-based training on animals. The position statement on teaching of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association strongly discourages the use of aversive training methods.

There is a more efficient process

As a pet guardian, we appreciate that you must handle undesirable behaviors such as barking and lack of recall. There are several options and tools available to assist you in resolving behavioral problems without jeopardizing your pet’s health or well-being.

What Are the Dangers Associated with Using a Dog Shock Collar?

Surprising truths

The primary reason shock collars work is that they are painful. Avoid being duped by dog trainers who use euphemisms like excitement or tingle to explain their impact on dogs. The issue with training while in pain is that there is a chance of adverse effects. A dog that has been harmed can develop dangerous levels of aggression, and the bottom line is that shock results in stress.

Shock collars can also be manipulated quickly, resulting in negative consequences for dogs. Avoiding shock collar dangers is simple: simply prevent undesirable behaviors and train your pet with kindness and consideration to foster a stronger relationship, which benefits all.

Shocking errors

Along with the various risks and dangers associated with shock collars, shock collars can malfunction. When this occurs, the shock collar can cause electrical burns, leaving holes in the dog’s neck and causing the dog irreversible physical and emotional damage. A shock collar should never be left unattended on a dog and should be used for no longer than the manufacturer’s recommended length.

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Consequences that are shocking

Shock collars often have the potential to be harmful to the dog-owner relationship. Interestingly, it appears as if dogs shocked in the Matthijs Schilder and Joanne van der Borg experiment formed a connection between their owner’s presence and the shocks, even though they were not in the training sense. This means that shock has a cumulative impact that lasts beyond the training session and has a detrimental effect on the dog’s relationship with his owner. You want your pet to see you as a trustworthy, caring owner, not as an electric pole poised to deliver an unwelcome sizzling correction.

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Alternatives to Collars with Electric Shocks

Ultrasonic bark controllers

It is one of the most humane method of restraining the dog’s unwanted actions. The majority of items have a spread of 50 feet. It is unobtrusive and does not involve physical exertion.

Collar with citrus spray (citronella, orange)

This is a more humane way of dealing with barking dogs or dogs that display undesirable behavior. We once used one of these on our dog in the morning because he was very territorial and protective (and loud). Although this is not a solution, it is an excellent option. It is, in a way, the lesser of two evils.

Certain breeds simply need instructions

Certain breeds of dogs have outstanding recall and can be conditioned using a whistle similar to those used for herding breeds and for herding commands. They are inexpensive and reasonably successful. Simply ensure that you are knowledgeable about training methods.


Anxious dogs may benefit from Adaptil—this is a mothering canine pheromone that is excreted during the nursing days and is therefore particularly calming for anxious dogs.

A professional trainer

A successful trainer makes a significant difference. Strong reinforcement is the most efficient way of rehabilitating dogs from harmful habits. If you have not previously worked with a trainer to resolve persistent problems, this is the place to begin.

Many pet owners use shock collars to train there dogs. They can be used but proper guidance. Otherwise the Shock collar side effects can be even fatal for the dog. Use these equipments with great precaution and when necessary.

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