How to introduce a shock collar to a dog

How to introduce a shock collar to a dog in 3 simple steps

One could argue that the electronic collar (also known as an e-collar or a shock collar) has been more efficient and humane in training dogs than any other training aid. When training with an electronic collar, it can be an effective training tool that, when used correctly, can significantly shorten the learning curve. In this article we will discuss “How to introduce a shock collar to a dog.”

However, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to the issue of when a dog is “old enough” to use an e-collar for training. Some puppies are ready to go around 14 or 15 weeks of age, while others should be close to the average six-month-old age range before you begin.

Suppose your dog is big enough to suit the collar correctly AND has an enthusiastic, boisterous personality. In that case, you should probably add an e-collar to your training toolkit and get started sooner than if your dog is quiet and reserved. Instead of concentrating on reining them in too quickly and potentially causing hesitancy, they should give the more withdrawn puppies extra attention to exploring the world and having various positive adventures.

They should base the decision primarily on you as the operator, your tool skills, and your willingness to put in the necessary training time. You can get started if you’re patient and eager to learn how to use the collar properly (or if you’ve already done so). If, on the other hand, you’re looking for a fast fix to punish nuisance conduct (rather than taking the time to train the dog), you should rethink your motivation and your relationship with your dog.

If both you and your dog are ready, go ahead and start working on the collar conditioning protocols. Collar conditioning teaches your dog HOW to behave correctly and have control over the sensation. That understanding can result in a cheerful working attitude rather than a glum or deflated one, and you’ll strengthen your relationship with your dog while spending more time together.

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How to properly introduce an electronic collar

When introducing your dog to an electronic collar, the first and most critical move is to make your dog wear the collar daily during training for several weeks with no stimulation or correction. Put the leash on your dog and go for a stroll or a sprint. Don’t even turn it on, It will be enough to get used to it. Enable the dog to become accustomed to wearing the collar during training.

Avoiding a collar-wise dog by proper electronic collar conditioning. We don’t want the dog to get used to wearing a leash. When the collar is on, a collar-wise dog can only listen and follow, and they will be shy and afraid. When the collar is not correctly introduced or is only used to punish after a crime.

It would help if you were consistent to prevent a collar-wise dog. You place the electronic collar on your dog every time they go out to train, for a walk, or outside. It does not need to be switched on, but it must be attached to the dog.

Make it a routine to do so. It won’t be long before your dog looks forward to putting on the collar because it will be synonymous with fun. That is exactly what we want. We want the dog to equate wearing the collar with having fun, being exercised, or exercising. This is exactly how to introduce a shock collar to a dog

First, teach, then enforce

The trick to properly using an electronic collar is to teach the command before using the e-collar. Using an e-collar as the first type of pressure should be avoided at all costs. You should follow

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Step 1

Begin with the command “SIT”. Treats or pressing down on their behind and pulling back on the lead can be used to teach the retriever to sit. Move on to Step 2 once your dog has a good understanding of the command and is reasonably reliable.

Step 2

Continue teaching “SIT” but increase the level of difficulty. If they don’t SIT on orders, you can use a healing stick and tap them behind. Alternatively, a sharp pull on a chain collar attached to a lead may be used.

After you’re sure your dog knows the order and can handle the pain, you can move on to Step 3 which is enforcing the command with the electronic collar.

Step 3

Say “SIT”, then issue an electronic collar correction before repeating the order. By saying the command before and after the punishment, you will ensure that your dog knows why it is receiving the correction.

Before using the electronic collar, all instructions should be taught and executed with manual pressure (i.e. your side, lead, or heeling stick). This is something I can’t emphasize sufficiently.

Shock Collar Training’s Advantages

Because of how successful it has proved to be over time, shock collar training is still a popular technique for teaching pets commands.

The following are some of the most significant advantages of shock collar puppy training:

1. Boost contact and training over longer distances

Shock collars allow you to communicate with your dog even if they are too far away to hear you. This teaches them to respect your property’s boundaries or return to you even though they can’t see you.

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2. Less expensive than constructing a real fence

Invisible fences with shock collars can be used to define an invisible boundary for your house. These are much less expensive to install than a traditional fence, and they won’t cause any problems with your neighbors.

3. Helps in the prevention of violence and other serious behaviours

A well-used shock collar training programme will assist with violent and offensive habits that need to be eliminated. However, you’ll want to learn how to do it yourself before you teach your dog.

4. More Effective Diversion Preparation

The collar’s stimulus allows you to interact with your dog even though they are in a noisy urban area or are disturbed by other animals nearby.

5. Exercise Without Making Your Dog Overweight

Treat-based training will lead to your dog gaining an excessive amount of weight. Another way to train them without piling on weight is to use a vibration or shock collar.

6. Increased Training Speed (Easier to Connect Trigger to Command)

Typical treat training entails rewarding action with a treat. If the time between the reward and the desired behaviour is too long, your dog will not make the connection, and the desired behaviour will be delayed. The signal from a collar is instantaneous, allowing you to correlate desired behaviours and commands immediately.

These are the main advantages of using a Shock Collar and training your dog or pup. However, you need to be very careful while you start introducing the shock collar to your dog. It will be you best bet for the future if all goes well. How to introduce a shock collar to a dog is very crucial step in giving good training to you dog.

Must Read : How to properly train a dog with a shock collar

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